Want a Powerfull headlight for your Proton Gen2 ...???

if You were asking for a powerful set of headlight....
U may retrofitted your headlight...

Click to View my previous post regarding CCFL for Gen2

1. You may retrofitted a set of Bosch 2.25'' projector which is something like this

2.You may just take down the WAJA H1 halogen projector which give u quite decent output but will not as googd as Bosch, of course
The pictures like below
The advantages of this type of retro is that your main headlight,which is H4 is still can operate asa normal...
The projector for HID u may install a switch, can on/off anytime(especially roadblock)

3. Buy those aftermarket projector...
The output i havent see before....
But u may retro the existing projector to your better projector...
Of cuz the retro works will be more eaasy....

After all that...u willthink of another projector at your fog....if u want....
That would be Bosch 1.5'' mini or normal H7 taiwan projector is a better choise too....cheers...

Original Thread from HID.com.my by White Vios


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