Dear readers, Im currently creating a community portal specialized for gen2 owners only.. in that portal, you can upload your own gen2 picture albums and share them with the other members about your modification or your car specs. you guys can also chat with the online members to share your great and interesting story about your mods. there'll also be a section where u guys can update the other members about the latest motoring events at your place.. im trying to create a new community for proton gen2 owners around the world.. frankly speaking, it is like a facebook + friendster but dedicated to gen2 owners only.. all the functions will be specialized for Proton Gen2. so.. what do you guys think..? how many of you agree on this? please let me know by leaving your comments and also vote at the poll i've created so that i know i hav good response for developing this portal. Thank you Regards, Ben (special thanks to my girl, nina.. for preparing this text)